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College – Third Level Funding AVAILABLE for 2024

Get your funding request in today and invest in your future!

Industry 4.0 Skillnet is proud to collaborate with ATU, NUIG and TU Dublin in offering funding up to 30% towards Third level courses.

Visit their websites select a course, apply and once you are registered, get in touch with us to request funding.

Eligibility Criteria: Funding is available only to Irish Private Companies and Sole Traders.

Ylenia Morselli, Network Manager – +353 (0)85 8675275

Certificate in BIM and Lean Construction Management - ATU Sligo

A one year part-time and fully online programme developed to meet construction industry needs to deliver projects using BIM and Lean Construction methods. This 25 credit certificate programme will provide learners with an appreciation, knowledge, tools and techniques for effective Project Management incorporating BIM and Lean Construction principles.

Higher Certificate in Construction Economics

Construction Economics is Level 6 Higher Certificate add-on course designed for those currently working in the construction industry who wish to develop their career. The online course offers graduates a broad skills base for the management of construction projects with a strong emphasis on cost.


Certificate in Construction Site Management

This certificate has been developed to provide a progression route for those with a level 6 trade cert or other construction related level 6 into Construction Management. The course is focused on the skills Construction Managers need in the areas of Site Management, Project Feasibility, Planning and Control and Contract Administration and Procurement. 

Enquire now about our College Funding available to the Irish Private Sector and Sole Traders*

These above are some of the courses but we can offer funding towards many other courses, get in touch today!

Ylenia Morselli, Network Manager

E: – T: +353 (0)85 8675275

Eligibility Criteria: Funding is available only to Irish Private Companies and Sole Traders.

*College funding is LIMITED and subject to availability on the date of request.

industry 4.0 training